Tips for Divorcing Your Abusive Spouse


Divorce is difficult in any case, but when abuse is involved it can be far more challenging. Remaining in an abusive relationship can be exceedingly dangerous and damaging, especially if children are involved. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), nearly 10 million men and women are physically abused by intimate partners each year. If you are suffering any type of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse at the hands of your spouse, there is a way for you to find the help you need to obtain a divorce. To learn more about divorcing an abusive spouse, trust a family lawyer for guidance and legal counsel.

Asking for Help

For most people, escaping an abusive relationship requires some measure of assistance. When you are ready to divorce your abusive spouse, you may need to find a safe place to go, or information about restraining orders and financial independence. Depending on your situation, you might even need immediate protection from your abuser. There are countless sources of help out there for those who ask for it, including domestic violence hotlines, various charities, and family lawyers. You can also turn to your local police, or ask trusted friends and family members for assistance.

For help leaving an abusive relationship, call The National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-7233.

Making a Plan

Once you’ve reached out for help, the most important thing to do is create a plan of action. Your safety and that of your children should be your top priority. If you fear for your immediate safety, it is important that you call the police immediately. Otherwise, create a plan for a safe, smart separation. For most people, the safest option is to leave their abuser and find a safe place to stay until permanent changes can be made. If this is the case for you, find a reliable place to stay when you leave home, and make sure you take important documents and paperwork with you. This may include copies of your marriage certificate, property deeds, tax statements, birth certificates, passports, social security cards, and any other relevant documents. These papers will be necessary when you begin the divorce process, and grabbing them now can be must simpler than trying to obtain them later.

Finding a Divorce Lawyer

Once you are out of danger, it is important that you begin looking to your legal future. If you want to seek a divorce, you must first find an experienced, skilled attorneys who has dealt with cases similar to yours before. Divorce cases involving abuse can be much more complicated. Your attorneys can inform you of your rights at this point, and can explain the divorce process so that you know what to expect next. The abused spouse may also need an order of protection to prevent the abuser from making contact or attempting further harm. Your attorneys can help you obtain a protection order, and can also help you file the appropriate documents to get your divorce underway.

If you are ready to get out of your abusive marriage, our firm can help. Our legal team can provide you with the legal support you need when you need it most.

Contact The Franklin Law Firm today to discuss your divorce case.

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