Rebuilding Trust with Your Co-Parent


Co-parenting in the aftermath of a divorce can be exceptionally challenging. You and your former spouse probably have several unresolved issues and you may no longer trust each other. Although no one expects you to become best friends with your ex, you should attempt to rebuild trust and respect, so you can have a more successful co-parenting relationship that will ultimately benefit your children.

Learning How to Get Along with Your Ex-Spouse

Children have keen senses and, although you might have successfully shielded them from the details of your divorce, they can sense the resentment and hostility in your relationship. In some cases, children may even feel torn between both parents, causing them distress and confusion. You and your co-parent must do what you can to ease their concerns and fears, so they can feel secure and confident in their relationships with both parents.

You and your ex-spouse might have strong feelings about one another, but you must keep in mind that, regardless of your differences, you both want what is best for your children. A healthier, more cooperative relationship will benefit your children, so do not lose sight of that important goal.

Here are some tips to help you rebuild trust with your co-parent:

  1. Keep your promises: When you make a promise, whether it be to your co-parent or your children, make it with the intention of keeping it. Breaking promises will only further your former spouse’s belief that you are not trustworthy and hurt your children. Of course, understandably, obstacles sometimes arise, so be honest with your former spouse about why you are backing out of a promise. More importantly, do not let it become a pattern.
  1. Show consideration toward your ex and your children: Both you and your co-parent should do your best to stick to the schedule, but you should also recognize that sometimes you will need to be flexible to accommodate certain unforeseeable circumstances. Work together to overcome these obstacles and make any necessary sacrifices to put your children’s needs first.
  1. Try to listen to each other: Being a good listener might have been hard during your marriage and it might be even harder now that you are divorced. However, being a good listener is important for co-parents. You do not have to agree with each other to hear each other, but if you wish to have more productive and meaningful conversations about your children, you need to work on your listening skills.
  1. Ask for each other’s opinions: When you show that you value each other’s opinions, you will trust each other’s intentions more and feel secure in your relationship as co-parents. You both want what is best for your kids, so take this important step in rebuilding trust and ask for your co-parent’s opinion.

Contact a Knowledgeable Family Law Attorneys Today!

If you are experiencing some difficulties with your co-parent that cannot be resolved without legal intervention, contact the team at The Franklin Law Firm for the assistance you need. Our compassionate team has the knowledge and experience necessary to guide you through the most challenging child custody matters.

Contact us today at (347) 343-5467 to schedule a free consultation.

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